Titech ESS
Debate Club
List of achievements in 2018
​Titech Cup
Takeru Uchiyama(Joint), Grand Finalist and 3rd Best Speaker
Naoki Enomoto, Chief Adjudicator
Asian Bridge
Ann Xi, Pascal Bernardino Pama, Shoko Kimura, 5th Best Team
Pascal Bernardino Pama, 6th Best Speaker
Debate no Susume
Takeru Uchiyama(Joint), Semi Finalist and 2nd Best Speaker
Masahiro Ito, Breaking Adjudicator
​ICU Tournament
Takeru Uchiyama(Joint), Grand Finalist, 5th Best Speaker and GF Best Speaker
The Kansai
Takeru Uchiyama(Joint), Semi Finalist and 4th Best Speaker
Naoki Enomoto(Joint), Champion and 8th Best Speaker
​JPDU Spring Tournament
Naoki Enomoto, Deputy Chief Adjudicator
Nagoya Debate Open
Naoki Enomoto, Quarter Finalist and 6th Best Speaker
Philosophy Open
Naoki Enomoto, 2nd Best Adjudicator and The Best Adj-Test Award​​
Gemini Cup
Naoki Enomoto, Breaking Adjudicator
Nguyen Truong Son(Swing), 5th Team on the tab (Day 1)
Yu Jiayi, Yu Jiatong, 9th Best Team (Day 1)
Yuta Taira, 7th Best Speaker (Day 2)
Ann Xi, 10th Best Speaker (Day 2)
Takeru Uchiyama, Breaking Adjudicator
Naoki Enomoto, Deputy Chief Adjudicator
JPDU Autumn Tournament
Takeru Uchiyama, Breaking Adjudicator and 3rd Best Adjudicator
BP Novice East
Naoki Enomoto, 6th Best Adjudicator
Natalie Tha, Deputy Chief Adjudicator
​Subaru Cup
Yuta Taira, Grand Final Adjudicator
​Umeko Cup
Naoki Enomoto, 2nd Best Adjudicator
Takeru Uchiyama, 8th Best Adjudicator
​Japan BP
Naoki Enomoto, Quarter Finalist and 8th Best Speaker
Takeru Uchiyama, Breaking Adjudicator
Ryoso Cup
Ann Xi, Yuta Taira, Quarter Finalist
Naoki Enomoto, 2nd Best Adjudicator
Tokyo Mini
Takeru Uchiyama(Joint), Grand Finalist and 3rd Best Speaker
Naoki Enomoto, 2nd Best Adjudicator